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File List | 1994-05-16 | 22.7 KB | 292 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 10 - Text Editors, Viewers and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ABATV2.ZIP 13702 02-03-94 The easy way to view, create or add to
- | your DOS system files, AUTOEXEC.BAT and
- | CONFIG.SYS great for the novices and
- | pros alike.
- ADDCL101.ZIP 10898 03-12-94 ADDCOL 1.01 Free DOS utility: adds a
- | single column of numbers in a text file.
- | With Pascal source. (c) 1993 by David
- | Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware.
- ANSIP302.ZIP 297347 03-21-94 ANSIPLUS 3.02: Great console driver for
- | SVGA/VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-v6.2. Packed
- | with features. Vivid colors, full color
- | control, screen saver, scroll-back,
- | scroll freeze, smooth scrolling, ANSI
- | support, Windows aware, larger key
- | buffer, typematic rate, key stacking,
- | international support, loads to UMBs,
- | HMA or EMS, utilities and config menu,
- | free BBS updates, and more.
- ASAVITV3.ZIP 18653 03-01-94 Add auto time save feature to your
- | favorite editor. Can also double as a
- | timed execution utility. Maintenance
- | release.
- ASCMER.ZIP 11188 02-01-94 ASCII File Merger - will merge any or
- | all files in a directory.
- ASCTO123.ZIP 53099 03-04-94 ASCTO123 1.1 Converts ASCII data files
- | to WK1 format.
- AUROR120.ZIP 412859 02-15-94 AURORA 1.20: High performance text
- | editor with superb window, full mouse
- | support, a huge 1Gig virtual memory
- | using XMS/EMS/disk, an object oriented
- | macro language, multi-instance
- | programmable file manager, unlimited
- | undo/redo, 386 version, user definable
- | menus, keyboard, and toolbar, text
- | folding, binary edit, 16k line length,
- | shrinks to 1.2k, file scan.
- AV22.ZIP 27403 02-13-94 ANSI View 2.2: The ultimate ANSI
- | shell.
- BOOKE106.ZIP 167494 03-11-94 The Book-E 1.06 from Relative Software.
- | Make stand-alone EXE's from plain text
- | files to distribute electronic catalogs,
- | manuals, books, newsletters, & any
- | disktop publishing material. Customize
- | your finished EXE with different window
- | colors & borders. Shareware version
- | includes SHELL1 (scrolling window).
- BOXER600.ZIP 331393 02-25-94 BOXER Text Editor 6.0 Top Rated! <ASP>
- | Adds 75 New Features & Options: Point &
- | Point & Click mouse support in menus,
- | locate differences automatically in
- | files, greatly enhanced keyboard
- | RECONFIG utility, Replace Again,
- | improved File Menu & much, much more.
- | Still: Color Syntax Highlighting, Undo/
- | multi-files & Windows, mouse support,
- | support, column marking, WP, more!
- BOXER60A.ZIP 334465 02-04-94 WP BOXER Text Editor 6.0a: 75 New
- | Features/Options. Point & Click mouse
- | support in menus, locate differences
- | automatically in similar files, greatly
- | enhanced keyboard RECONFIG utility,
- | Replace Again, improved File Menu. Color
- | Syntax Highlighting, Undo/Redo, multi-
- | files & Windows, mouse support, column
- | marking, WP, macros, S&R, compilation.
- BSS138.ZIP 31467 02-13-94 BSS is a string search program modeled
- | after VAX/VMS search utility. Features
- | include better wildcarding than DOS,
- | multiple files, DIR trees, and over 3000
- | search strings with wildcard support.
- | Extract documentation by typing BSS /O
- | BSS.DOC /?.
- CE318.ZIP 25090 03-13-94 CMEDITOR 3.18 <ASP> Small, agile text
- | editor able to edit large files. Packed
- | with features including search/replace,
- | block move, delete, copy and print,
- | modest mouse support, 43/50-line VGA
- | display. From NoVaSoft.
- DELIM12.ZIP 34960 02-06-94 Delimit 1.2: Program that scans
- | columnar reports (stored as ASCII text
- | files) and extracts relevant data,
- | writing data to an ASCII file in
- | comma-delimited format.
- DIGIPAD.ZIP 30555 02-20-94 Digipad - is a colorful scrolling
- | notepad display that will present any
- | information you choose. It was designed
- | to be used for information displays in
- | schools, stores, galleries, trade
- | shows, etc. Requires EGA, VGA monitor
- | or better.
- EDITPTH2.ZIP 10314 02-25-94 EDITPATH 2.0: one line word processor
- | that allows the existing PATH environ-
- | ment to be edited without having to
- | reboot.
- FGREP180.ZIP 26208 03-02-94 Dunford's excellent text search utility
- | 1.80: FGREP is like DOS FIND but many
- | times better, fast, and powerful.
- | Indispensable utility. Recursive SubDIR
- | searches, the ability to specify search
- | fields within the target file(s), the
- | ability to build your own frequency
- | tables.
- FPALN101.ZIP 10907 03-02-94 FPALN 1.01 Free DOS utility: text
- | file page & line counter. (c) 1993 by
- | David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware.
- | Displays # of lines/page, # pages, and
- | total # of lines. With Pascal source.
- | New: DOS wildcards.
- FPALN102.ZIP 10233 02-17-94 FPALN, 1.02: Text file page and line
- | counter. Supports: DOS wildcards.
- FR21.ZIP 88140 02-12-94 FRANK'S READER 21.0: New concept in
- | the management of text files.
- | Identifies and manipulates chunks of
- | information instead of just lines.
- GBROWS11.ZIP 104541 02-17-94 Graphic Browser 1.1: Powerful GUI text
- | file browser system. Open up to 9 text
- | file viewing Windows. Mark text for
- | copying or appending to a file or for
- | printing. Text search, autoscroll,
- | window sizing, window tiling, and more.
- | Color VGA required.
- IFON21.ZIP 42027 02-18-94 IfOnScrn - is a TSR which watches the
- | screen for any of three different text
- | strings to appear, at which point it can
- | pass specified keystrokes to the
- | underlying application, display a text
- | Windows, or sound an alert signal.
- JWP11_4.ZIP 1086130 02-06-94 Japanese Word Processor for Windows 1.1.
- | English/Japanese dictionary. (4 of 4)
- LNDMPR97.ZIP 35437 02-11-94 Line Dumper 0.97: Trim CALLER logs or
- | any ASCII file of lines containing up to
- | 10 definable strings. KEEP any of those
- | lines if they follow with any of 5 other
- | definable strings. Works with any
- | ASCII file. Option for no screen output
- | for event mode processing. Does NOT
- | mangle existing file, so it's safe!
- MARG32.ZIP 38577 03-05-94 Margarine 3.2 <ASP> Adds left, top, and
- | bottom margins to text files. Automatic-
- | ally computes max available space for
- | left margin. Adjustable column width of
- | 25-132 characters. Paginates documents.
- | Very fast, great for unformatted share-
- | ware documentation files. Menu-driven
- | interface with context-sensitive help.
- | Converts extended characters to Epson-
- | compatible set.
- MBEDIT61.ZIP 111807 03-23-94 Mbedit 6.1. Text editor with macro
- | option, online calculator, command
- | history buffer and many other features.
- ME141.ZIP 40814 02-27-94 Hex/ASCII Editor: Fully-featured, but
- | the documentation is written in German.
- NEWFIND.ZIP 16196 02-06-94 NEWFIND: Locate a word in an ASCII
- | text file and know what line number it's
- | on.
- NEWSDB10.ZIP 217492 02-03-94 The NewsDB - allows the user to create
- | complex hypertext databases from
- | Internet Usenet articles. It features
- | automatic newsgroups references
- | creation, automatic author directories
- | and references and a UNIX to PC
- | translation program. Requires a PC
- | capable of running DPMI programs and
- | The Help Development Kit 9.5 or newer.
- ORPH165A.ZIP 240026 03-07-94 Orpheus 1.65. #1 in hypertext
- | authoring! Make electronic books in a
- | writer-friendly environment. Hypertext
- | word processor with online help, mouse
- | support, draw mode, more. Link to
- | graphics, import text, play music,
- | launch programs. No other system makes
- | authoring this easy or turns out a
- | classier product. Features additional
- | context-sensitive help. (1 of 3)
- ORPH165B.ZIP 89523 02-13-94 User's Guide to Orpheus, complementing
- | the extensive online help. MANUAL1.DOC
- | has step-by-step tutorials for making
- | hypertext into polished electronic
- | books. MANUAL2.DOC is a guide to the
- | easy script language for use in program-
- | mable cards: how to link to and from PCX
- | graphics and ANSI screens, how to launch
- | external programs, jump to other
- | books, play music, load forms. (2 of 3)
- ORPH165C.ZIP 131866 02-23-94 Orpheus Reader, clean hypertext inter-
- | face for online books made with Orpheus
- | Author. Includes notepad, bookmarks,
- | graphics, DOS shell, mouse support,
- | configurable colors, printing, online
- | help, tour mode for self-running
- | displays. Link to forms to get user
- | input, store graphics in library files.
- | New in this release: index capability!
- | Includes a demo book. (3 of 3)
- QEDIT3C.ZIP 205573 02-25-94 QEDIT ADVANCED 3.00C <ASP> Blazingly
- | fast, multi-file, multi-window, compact
- | DOS text editor, both powerful and EASY
- | to use. Includes macros; column blocks;
- | variable, smart, and fixed tab support;
- | basic word processing features. Con-
- | figurable, including keyboard, colors, &
- | initial settings. Data Based Advisor
- | Readers Choice as Best Program/Text
- | Editor. Over 120,000 licensed users!
- RDUP103.ZIP 15044 03-09-94 RDUP 1.03. Free DOS utility: deletes
- | duplicate lines across multiple files.
- | (c) 1993 by David Daniel Anderson -
- | Reign Ware. RDUP requires a SORT
- | program (RPSRT102.ZIP is free). With
- | Pascal source.
- READ312.ZIP 250877 03-16-94 READ 3.12 Text File Browser.
- READ_204.ZIP 37997 02-05-94 READ 2.04: Text File Browser.
- SEE400.ZIP 72210 02-27-94 SEE File Viewer 4.00: Scroll any size
- | file in any direction with full mouse
- | support and on-line help. Can freeze
- | top rows and left columns while the rest
- | of the screen scrolls and can search
- | for character strings and print files.
- SHERL272.ZIP 114768 03-07-94 SHERLOCK.EXE 2.72: A dual window ASCII
- | text file utility compares two ASCII
- | files line-by-line. Contains features
- | for searching, optionally ignoring case
- | & spaces, jumping around the files,
- | synchronizing the files, & copying lines
- | to a printer. SHERLOCK is designed as a
- | tool for programmers and writers. Ideal
- | for comparing program source files,
- | CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, & text files.
- SHERL273.ZIP 114727 02-12-94 SHERLOCK 2.73: SCII file comparison
- | utility that compares two ASCII files
- | line by line. Designed as a tool for
- | programmers and writers. It is ideal
- | for comparing program source files,
- | CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and documents.
- STARW60.ZIP 1624399 02-20-94 StarWriter Lite 6.0: Contains all the
- | advanced features expected in a Top-
- | Quality product. Lightning fast work in
- | both text and graphic mode makes this a
- | great text processor for any appli-
- | cation. Definitive Mail Merge function,
- | Equation Editing, Scientific Calculator,
- | graphics handling, and WYSIWYG print
- | preview.
- STRING20.ZIP 33706 02-01-94 STRING SEARCH 2.0: Text file string
- | extractor.
- THEOS215.ZIP 150624 03-21-94 THE 1.5: CMS/XEDIT look-alike editor
- | executable. THE is a full-screen
- | character mode text editor based on the
- | VM/CMS editor XEDIT and some features of
- | KEDIT for DOS. By Mansfield Software.
- TOGE40.ZIP 58354 03-16-94 Together! 4.0. Innovative and elegant
- | program that allows you mix text-based
- | applications with pictures on the fly -
- | without a graphics environment, program-
- | ming & using standard hardware.
- TOPICS.ZIP 28976 02-18-94 A convenient way to clip topics of
- | interest from mail readers for
- | organization.
- TXTVU120.ZIP 78990 01-02-94 Text View: File viewer for ASCII
- | files.
- TYPEANSI.ZIP 8889 02-27-94 Types ANSI files without having
- VDE171A.ZIP 140470 02-12-94 Visual Display Editor 1.71A: Small,
- | fast, powerful text editor offering
- | menu-driven operation or WordStar-
- | compatible cmd keys, multiple files/
- | windows, cut and paste, block/copy/move/
- | /delete/read/write/zoom, find and
- | replace, protected mode and multi-level
- | undo; keystroke macros, count words,
- | number lists, DOS shell, auto-save,
- | programmable function keys & more.
- VIEWSRCH.ZIP 30537 02-20-94 The VIEW Template with the runtime
- | ability to search a text file for
- | phrases. Contains VSEARCH.TPX and
- XEOFF.ZIP 31746 03-08-94 XEOFF: A little utility program to
- | remove EOF (CNTL-Z) and FF (CNTL-L) from
- | text files.
- YARN_052.ZIP 160155 03-09-94 YARN: A Usenet news/mail reader. This
- | reader reads SOUP (not QWK) mail packets
- | generated by Usenet offline packet
- | generators such as UQWK. This is a
- | character-based DOS program.